JG - Japão

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Education in Japan

Education in Japan

In Japan, students go through five steps:

1. the garden-care, which can last from one to three years;
2. the primary, lasts six years;
3. the gym of a degree, three years;
4. the gym for 2 nd degree, also with three years duration;
5. and finally the University, normally completed in four years.



In Japan there are also junior universities, where courses can be found to be smaller, on average two or three years. There are alsopostgraduate courses that offer a deeper insight. According todata, approximately 75.9% of high school students, enrolled in a university, attend a professional course or other steps. The trainingis free and compulsory education for all who are located in the age group between 6 and 15 years, although a good number ofgraduates this stage voluntarily follow for the next period, corresponding to the second degree.
Japanese education is also a radical discipline and a fiercetradition, factors have repeatedly blamed the high rate of suicideamong adolescents and young people who are psychologically pressured by families and educational system for this highlydemanding.



Currently this mechanism is in the process of transformation, because in Japan also comes to accommodating the education tothe postmodern world, so it is necessary that students also learn toexercise freedom and the creative act. According to the Higher Education Supplement of The Times, the major Japanese universities today are the University of Tokyo, Kyoto, University and Osaka University. Private schools have an equally important role ineducation, especially in areas of pre-school and higher education.








By: Gislaine Delabeneta.